

At the request of our customers we have managed many of customized softwares in the past years. Without exhaustive You can find among our projects: documentum management and research support software, web based infrastructure auditing software and complex database based webpage.


Case studies

Knowing the road infrastructure and the traffic statistic is an essencial need of traffic experts. We are providing engineering studies in order to help the work of experts. We have made studies in the past on the following areas: schools and junctions environment survey, traffic counts, behaviour studies, measuring speed. Our references and customers satisfaction stimulates us to try our abbility in different field as well.


Visibility Products

Smart Business Solution Ltd. as a micro company reached unique successes in business. Thanks to our national wide business relations, we can stand before the market with one step. Our products’ quality and their deiverse application make us unique on road safety market. Wether we talking about existing products or even just  a germ idea about it, or its design, our creative professionals make come true the clients ideas.

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